Sunday, August 5, 2007

Caroline...Can't wait to meet you....

My oldest sister is almost 7 months preggers with her first child. This baby will make our SIXTH niece. What is the deal?! Traci is doing so great and is so excited. She says Caroline is always kicking and moving. (She will be a sparkplug like her mom :). I cannot wait to meet her. This will be our first niece on my side of the family so I am super excited. It's hard not to get carried away with wanting to spoil this child rotten. Truth is, she will be so spoiled and so loved. Caroline, I already love you so much and cannot wait to meet you. We are going to have so much fun. I can't wait to see you so I can give you a silly little nickname like I have for your mom and dad. You will bless us by your life.

Saturday, August 4, 2007



John, me, and John's grandfather on Father's Day. DaddyBub is the father of 5, and the grandfather of many. He has led a great life of example and honor. He recently turned 93 and is just amazing. We love him so much. DaddyBub- thanks for being such a great man, father, and grandfather. We love you.

My sweet friends.....

SO.... If I had to list on one hand my bestest friends, these two would definitely make the cut. They are the most lovely and loyal friends a gal could have. I absolutely love them! Doesn't it look like ZOEY (top pic) is smiling?

Thursday, August 2, 2007


So...the hinkebein gene is a strong one. We are so blessed to have five beautiful nieces. They are such a joy to be with. Each one is different in their own right. Uncle John has been given a blessed name....UNCLE STINKY. It is so refreshing to see him with these sweet girls. Most of the time, he makes the little ones cry with his loud voice...which is priceless. He always gives advice to his sisters on is always the same thing.."You need to pop them!" He loves them so much and i love to see him interact with them. I am so grateful he will be the father of my children and cannot wait for that journey. Anywho, here are four of our precious nieces....

The goodness of 30....

So.... as most of you know, a special someone turned 30 this year. (july 1). Due to much grief, the date has come and gone. Each year, john begs for me to not throw him a party. However, 30 is a big deal and so I went ahead and did it. Thanks to Jenny(love you jenny-if you hadn't I would have) John found out about his birthday surprise and wasn't too upset with me. All that said, we celebrated another year with friends we have come to know and love.

Monday, July 30, 2007


So..... Hink feels that the pink blog is not so much such a good representation of who he is. I am hoping to change his mind. What do you think?


so... I always talk about the girls in my princess class I had over this summer. On the last day of class, the girls dress up as their favorite princess. Words just do not do justice to how precious they really are. So, if a picture is worth a thousand it is. How cute are they?!


So.... I have never felt more pressure in my life to "keep up with Jones'" regarding my current blog. Due to recent heckling, I have one thing to say. Good grief! this blog is not a puppy. If i do not wish to post for a month, it will not dehydrate and die. So I will also say this (with much certainty and caution)......"I will not be a slave to my blog." I know that this brave statement may bring about gasps and snickering from some of you (i.e. courtney garrison) but I have got to be my own dog. To be honest, I really have nothing to say at this moment in time. I am still here and if you need to reach me by phone, that's okay too. Other than that, I wish you all a joyful Monday and will see you when I see you.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Courtney... if you're there

Okay, so I am not quite sure what the deal is with the blogging, but now I have one so apparently I am trying to figure it all out. I was looking up Courtney Garrison's blogspot and loved looking at pictures of her sweet boy. However, as I was rummaging through her photos, I might add that I was a little preturbed that i did not quite make the blog when every other friend was in there. So, Courtney, if your there, I am sending you a kindergarten photo of myself for you to add. But only, Courtney, if your there.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

The Hinks

Just seeing what all the fuss is about!