Monday, July 30, 2007


So..... Hink feels that the pink blog is not so much such a good representation of who he is. I am hoping to change his mind. What do you think?


so... I always talk about the girls in my princess class I had over this summer. On the last day of class, the girls dress up as their favorite princess. Words just do not do justice to how precious they really are. So, if a picture is worth a thousand it is. How cute are they?!


So.... I have never felt more pressure in my life to "keep up with Jones'" regarding my current blog. Due to recent heckling, I have one thing to say. Good grief! this blog is not a puppy. If i do not wish to post for a month, it will not dehydrate and die. So I will also say this (with much certainty and caution)......"I will not be a slave to my blog." I know that this brave statement may bring about gasps and snickering from some of you (i.e. courtney garrison) but I have got to be my own dog. To be honest, I really have nothing to say at this moment in time. I am still here and if you need to reach me by phone, that's okay too. Other than that, I wish you all a joyful Monday and will see you when I see you.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Courtney... if you're there

Okay, so I am not quite sure what the deal is with the blogging, but now I have one so apparently I am trying to figure it all out. I was looking up Courtney Garrison's blogspot and loved looking at pictures of her sweet boy. However, as I was rummaging through her photos, I might add that I was a little preturbed that i did not quite make the blog when every other friend was in there. So, Courtney, if your there, I am sending you a kindergarten photo of myself for you to add. But only, Courtney, if your there.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

The Hinks

Just seeing what all the fuss is about!